
Autumn Term

Topic (Taken

from Long Term Plan).

Media and Materials



Significant Artists

Anthony Gormley David Hockney

In sculpture, combine visual and tactile qualities

Improve mastery of art / design techniques with a wide range of materials.

Use a range of artistic vocabulary to communicate ideas, discuss and evaluate work/ other artworks e.g. tactile, influence, captivate, emulate.

Understand how great artists, architects and designers contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.



Spring Term

Topic (Taken

from Long Term Plan).

Media and Materials



Significant Artists

William Morris



Charles Rennie Mackintosh

In drawing, use a range of pencils to begin to develop personal style, drawing on work of other artists for inspiration.


Capture artistic process in sketch book. In painting, use watercolours to suggest mood.


In print, make printing blocks eg from coiled string on card to create repeating



Use a range of artistic vocabulary to communicate ideas, discuss and evaluate work/ other artworks e.g. tactile, influence, captivate, emulate.




Summer Term

Topic (Taken

from Long Term Plan).

Media and Materials



Significant Artists

Parthenon art

In collage, with increasing confidence, combine visual and tactile qualities. Enhance digital media by editing including sound, video, animation, still images and


Improve mastery of art / design techniques with a wide range of materials.


Communicate ideas and comment on artworks using artistic language.