Year 4 Relationships and Health Education Timetable

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Jesus, my friend Children will learn:

  • That Jesus loves, embraces, guides, forgives and reconciles us with Him and one another
  • The importance of forgiveness and reconciliation in relationships, and some of Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness
  • That relationships take time and effort to sustain
  • We reflect God’s image in our relationships with others: this is intrinsic to who we are and to our happiness

Sharing Online

Children will learn:

  • To recognise that their increasing independence brings increased responsibility to keep themselves and others safe
  • How to use technology safely
  • That just as what we eat can make us healthy or make us ill, so what we watch, hear, say or do can be good or bad for us and others
  • How to report and get help if they encounter inappropriate materials or messages

Chatting online Children will learn:

  • How to use technology safely
  • That bad language and bad behaviour are inappropriate
  • That just as what we eat can make us healthy or make us ill, so what we watch, hear, say or do can be good or bad for us and others
  • How to report and get help if they encounter inappropriate materials or messages

Safe in my body Children will learn:

  • To judge well what kind of physical contact is acceptable or unacceptable and how to respond
  • That there are different people we can trust for help, especially those closest to us who care for us, including our teachers and parish priest

Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

Children will learn:

  • Medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are good for us
  • Alcohol and tobacco are harmful substances
  • Our bodies are created by God, so we should take care of them and be careful about what we consume

We don’t have to be the same

Children will learn:


  • Similarities and differences between people arise as they grow and make choices, and that by living and working

together (‘teamwork’) we create community

  • Self-confidence arises from being loved by God (not status, etc)

Respecting our bodies

Children will learn:


  • About the need to respect and look after their bodies as a gift from God through what they wear, what they eat and what they physically do

What is Puberty Children will learn:


  • What the term puberty means
  • When they can expect puberty to take place
  • That puberty is part of God’s plan for our bodies

Changing bodies

Children will learn:

  • Correct naming of genitalia
  • What changes will happen to boys during puberty
  • What changes will happen to girls during puberty

Life Cycles

Children will learn:


  • That they were handmade by God with the help of their parents
  • How a baby grows and develops in its mother’s womb including, scientifically, the uniqueness of the moment of conception
  • How conception and life in the womb fits into the cycle of life
  • That throughout their lives human beings act at three integrated levels: physical, psychological and spiritual