St Francis Class - EYFS
16.12.2024 The Snowman
Our theme for this week is ‘ The Snowman’. The children will watch the animation in class and then take part in lots of snowman and Christmas inspired activities including : snowman named book marks, snowman biscuits, snowman button counting, snowflake making, Mrs Claus playdough cookies, Rudolph art, lolly stick snowflakes, bead candy canes, Christmas jumper designing and melting snowman ice play.
In phonics, we revisit all our previously taught sounds with a Christmas spelling theme. We will re- assess where the children are at with their learning.
In maths, we will be counting snowmen, sorting presents and learning ‘one more’ with the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ song, complete with actions!
A few bits of information for this week:
Monday - non uniform for yellow house team and year 6 games day.
Tuesday- Mrs Anslow and Mrs Phipps will be in all day visiting.
Wednesday- Christmas jumper day, Christmas lunch ( no relish option available) and gift sale
Friday- end of term mass in school.
9.12.2024 The Jolly Christmas Postman
Another busy Christmas week is ahead of us!
On Monday, the children will be watching ks1 Nativity dress rehearsal and see Father Brett for a Reconciliation assembly.
On Wednesday, we have our Reception Nativity dress rehearsal to the rest of the school ahead of our performance for parents on Friday.
This week, the children will be listening to the story of ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’. They will be writing letters to their friends in class, drawing Father Christmas and his workshop, enjoying Christmas post office role-play, making stick puppets, stained glass windows, calendars, Christmas tree art and wrapping presents.
In phonics, our focus is words with ‘s’ at the end. We will do oral blending practice with blend from the box games, word reading, sentence reading and spelling. Our focus tricky words are - the, put, pull, full, I, and, go, no, to, into, be, we, me, she, push, he and her.
In maths, our objectives are:
- identify and name shapes with 4 sides
-combine shapes with 4 sides
-find shapes with 4 sides in the environment
- explore day and night
2.12.2024 Little Red Riding Hood and Christmas
Our focus themes this week are the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood and Christmas.
The children will be drawing the character of the wolf and the setting of grandma’s house in the woods. We will begin our Christmas arts and crafts including lots of independent Christmas themed activities around the classroom.
In phonics, our focus sounds are sh, th, ng and nk. Our tricky words are : go, no, to, into, she, push, he and of. We will be reading simple sentences and spelling the words: fix, fill, jam, leg, bell, dad, mess, bag, wet and duck.
In maths, we will work on our numeral formation of 4 and 5. We will look at the objectives:
- one more
- 1 less
- the composition of 4 and 5
- the composition of 1 to 5
We also have an exciting visit from an elf and Father Christmas this week!
We continue our nativity rehearsals. Thank you for all of those who have sent in named clothes for under costumes.
25.11.2025 The Gruffalo
A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood…. 🪵
This week, we dive in to the woodland world of the Gruffalo and will enjoy Julia Donaldson’s familiar tale with the children. The children will draw the gruffalo, imagine a hiding place for the gruffalo from the big bad mouse, create Gruffalo faces/ masks, enjoy gruffalo crumble messy play, match initial sounds to characters and label them with CVC words.
In phonics, our focus sounds are z, qu and ch. Our new tricky words are go, no, to and into. We will be reading sentences and beginning to talk about recognising a capital letter and full stop in the sentence. We will spell the words can, back, run, had and sun.
In maths, we continue our learning about circles and triangles by exploring position . We then move on to looking at numbers 1 to 5 by finding 4 & 5, subitise 4 & 5 and representing 4 & 5.
In our ‘Birthdays’ unit of work in R.E. we will create an Advent class display.
Our nativity rehearsals continue. Thank you to those who have already sent in clothes for under costumes. A reminder to make sure all clothes and bags are labelled so that they don’t get muddled up!
18.11.2024 Leaf Man
Our focus story this week is Leaf Man. We will be drawing the character of Leaf Man and a place he may go on his travels in the wind. We will imagine a way for him to get there.
In phonics, our focus sounds are v, w, x and y. Our new tricky words are and, has, his and her. We will be continuing to read phrases and spell CVC words.
In maths, we will be starting a unit of work on circles and triangles. We will identify and name shapes, compare circles and triangles and hunt for shapes in the environment.
We will start our nativity rehearsals in the hall this week. The children have been working very hard on their beautiful singing . I will put the words up on tapestry soon so that they can continue to learn the lyrics with you at home.
In R.E. We will begin our Advent topic ‘Birthdays’.
A reminder that if you have collected any autumn leaves this weekend, we would really appreciate them to use in class for our art work this week.
11.11.2024 The Little Red Hen
A few events in school this week:
Monday: Year 6 will lead us in a whole school Remembrance Assembly.
Wednesday: individual/ sibling photographs.
Friday: Children in Need Day- children can come to school in non- school uniform and will participate in a fun dance routine!
This week, Reception will be participating in Remembrance, Little Red Hen and Pudsey Bear activities.
We will be making poppy biscuits and bread rolls. I will post the ingredients list on here and send home a printed copy with their creations.
In Drawing Club, the children will listen to the story of ‘ The Little Red Hen’ before drawing the Little Red Hen and the setting of the farm, but with an odd animal!
In phonics, our focus sounds are: ff, ll, ss and j. Our tricky words are: put, is, pull, full, as, the and I. We will be reading short phrases and spelling the words: cat, top, bed, ten and sock.
In maths, we will be:
- writing numerals 1, 2 and 3
- representing 1, 2 and 3
- finding 1 more
- finding 1 less
- learning about the composition of 1, 2 and 3
Autumn Term 2
4th November 2024 Firework Focus Day and Room on the Broom
Welcome back! We hope all our families enjoyed their half term break.
This week, we kick start the second half of our Autumn term with a firework focus and Room on the Broom story theme.
On Tuesday, we will have a firework dress up day and invite the children to come in bright colours, glitter, sparkles or their own clothes as a spectator! On the day we will be enjoying firework themed activities such as firework art, roleplay and dancing.
We will begin ‘drawing club’ with ‘Room on the Broom’ and the children will be drawing the character of the dragon and the swamp setting.
In phonics, we will be recapping the sounds and tricky words taught last half term. We continue to practice our oral blending and CVC word reading using the sounds taught so far.
In maths, we will be:
- representing number 1
- representing number 2
- representing number 3
- finding 1, 2 and 3
- subtitising 1, 2 and 3
We also begin to learn our nativity songs this week so apologise in advance for early ‘Christmas’ activation!
21.10.2024 The Tiger Who Came to Tea
This week, we will be sharing the classic story of ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ with the children. We talk about what we would do if a tiger came to tea at our house, write a shopping list of things we might buy for a tea party, make playdough tigers , paint tiger stripe patterns, play cafes, create story maps and build tiger habitats.
In phonics, our focus sounds are h, b, f and l. Our tricky words are the, I and is.
In maths, we consolidate and assess our learning about mass, capacity and patterns.
In R.E, we continue our topic ‘Welcome’. Last week we talked about what happens when a baby is welcomed in to the church through Baptism. If your child was baptised and your child would like to share a photograph with the class, please send a picture in or upload to tapestry.
14.10.2024 Once there were giants
This week, the children will be thinking about how they change as they grow up. We will be sharing the story ‘Once there were giants’ and talking about how the girl changes from baby, to toddler, to child, to teenager and then an adult. We will think about what we can do now that we couldn’t do when we were a baby and what we look forward to being able to do in the future when we are grown. The children will consider what they would like to be when they are an adult and paint a picture of themselves in that role.
In phonics, our focus sounds are ck, e, u and r. Our tricky words are I and is. We will learn the formation phrase for writing the new sounds, orally blend words and read words containing the sounds taught so far.
In maths, we will be matching socks, playing memory games, completing puzzles, sorting natural objects, exploring who or what will fit in different sized containers and repeating patterns.
In R.E., we begin our topic ‘ Welcome’.
Week beginning 7.10.2024
This week our story theme is ‘ Handa’s Surprise’. We will be using the story to explore our senses using descriptive words, talking about healthy eating, our likes/ dislikes and the African culture/ wildlife. We will discuss surprises we’ve had, role play the story using animal masks and small world toys, explore some of the fruits from the story and draw/ label some story scenes. We will also use our senses this week when exploring the season of Autumn. The children will go on an Autumn walk in the school grounds to discover what they can see, hear, smell, feel and taste. We will use some Autumn natural objects in our mud kitchen , water tray, counting, patterns and sensory play.
In phonics, our focus sounds are g, o, c, k and e. We will learn match initial sounds, learn how to recognise the graphemes, the formation phrases, read words using the sounds taught so far and play oral blending games.
In maths, we continue our unit of work ‘ talk about measure and patterns’ by :
- exploring simple patterns
- copying and continuing simple patterns
- creating simple patterns
In R.E., we will be reflecting on our topic ‘ Myself’ with a ‘ big question’- why am I precious?
Week beginning 30th September 2024
This week, our focus story is ‘Funnybones’. We will think about what a skeleton is, learn some body part names, make playdough bones, look at x-rays, draw around each other , make cotton bud skeletons and memorise rhymes from the story by heart. We will also be learning about keeping our teeth healthy and what it is like to visit the dentist.
In phonics, our focus sounds are n, m and d. We will be matching initial sounds, learning how to write these letters and playing oral blending games.
In maths, we will be talking about measures and patterns. Our objectives are :
Compare size
Compare mass
Compare capacity
The children will be exploring these objectives through a range of practical activities using bucket balance scales and different sized containers with rice and water.
In RE, we continue our topic ‘Myself’ by thinking about how we say ‘ welcome’ in different languages and the ways we welcome others with our actions.
This week, the children will meet their year 6 buddy for the first time. The children will spend some time together in class getting to know each other. Year R and 6 will get together at set times during the year, it may be to eat lunch together, complete a craft activity or to share a story.
The children will also be taking part in a ‘Respect’ workshop with Mrs Delgado. During this time the children will think about ways they can show respect to everyone at home and in school.
Week beginning 23rd September 2024
This week, our focus story is ‘ The Colour Monster’. We will use the story to explore emotions with the children. We will talk about what makes us feel happy/ sad/ angry/ scared and how we can help others when they feel this way. We will explore the colours used in the story to illustrate these emotions and think about how our faces match our feelings. We will listen to different music and think about how the music makes us feel. The children will make happy feelings bottles and create their own colour monsters using paints and modelling materials.
In phonics, we explore the sounds s, a, t and p. Each day we will explore objects in a box which start with this initial sound. We will learn how to correctly pronounce each sound, the new GPC and mnemonic, the formation phrase and play an oral blending game.
In maths, we have begun a unit of work called ‘ Match, sort and compare.’ This week we will sort objects to a type, explore sorting techniques, create sorting rules and compare amounts. We will check the children’s understanding of colour through sorting games and activities.
In R.E. our topic is ‘Myself’. We will be talking about how our name is special to us and what makes us precious to God.