Summer term!
Please continue to learn your lines for our up and coming production, 'St. George's will rock you!'. Can you also start learning the lyrics for the songs.
Can you design a logo for our production. The logo is for 'Cyber Link'. It can be drawn or done on a computer. Please use bright colours, so that it stands out. You can use neon and metallic colours too. It needs to be a logo, not an illustrative drawing.
Well done for another brilliant half term - you have all worked so hard!
Please continue to learn your lines for our up and coming production, 'St. George's will rock you!'.
In addition, we will be preparing for the afternoon tea which is taking place on Monday 19th June (1.00pm and 2.00pm). Please design a poster, which will advertise the event. You can do this on paper or on a computer (it can be emailed to me via the office, ready to be printed).
Have a wonderful half term - a well deserved rest for you all!
Mrs Bracknell and the Year 6 team x
Please continue to revise for the SATs using the resources on the class page. Find below the dates of the SATs:
Tuesday 9th May SPaG papers 1 & 2
Wednesday 10th May English reading paper
Thursday 11th May Maths paper 1 (arithmetic) & paper 2 (reasoning)
Friday 12th May Maths paper 3 (reasoning)
Remember that all children are welcome to join us for breakfast, each morning of the SATs at 8.00am.
**Coronation** Friday 5th May
Optional competitions
You can design a portrait of King Charles. It can be drawn, painted or even knitted! Entries must be submitted by Wednesday 3rd May.
On Friday 5th May, you can come to school with a homemade crown to show in our parade.
For further details about the Coronation and the competitions, please see the newsletter.