Local Governing Committee
The Role of the Governor
The main concern of every Governor is to ensure that all the children attending the school are offered every opportunity to receive an education of the highest possible standard in accordance with the School Mission Statement. The day to day management of a school is the responsibility of the Head Teacher but a successful school depends on an effective working partnership between governors, staff, parents and all engaged at the school.
There are various categories of Governors – Staff, Parents and Foundation. All are elected or appointed by different groups of people. As a Catholic school, the Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese. Their main responsibilities are finance, premises, curriculum, personnel, and as a Voluntary Aided Catholic School, admissions. In line with the teachers and support staff, they attend training courses organised by the Local Authority, the Academy Trust and Brentwood Religious Education Service. There is a statutory requirement for governors to meet at least once each school term. The Governing Body is divided into committees covering curriculum subjects and all aspects of school welfare and safety. These committees report to the full Governing Body at its termly meetings. The election of the Chair and Vice Chair takes places at the autumn term meeting. The tenure of governors is four years but they can be re-appointed or re-elected for further terms.
Governing Body Membership
- Nina Nathan Chair
- Laura Lewis Vice-Chair
- Olwen Shallis
- Paul Ponzini
- Lauren Astrella
- Kate Harriss
- Andy Packer
- Christine Wallen
Head Teacher
- Annabelle Delgado
- Rosemary Waddell
Committee Membership
Finance and Premises (incl. Health & Safety) ~ Mr Paul Ponzini, Mrs Olwen Shallis, Mrs Kathryn Harris and Mrs Annabelle Delgado
Personnel ~ Mr Andrew Packer
Curriculum ~ Mrs Nina Nathan, Mrs Olwen Shallis, Mrs Lauren Astrella, Mrs Laura Lewis, Mrs Annabelle Delgado and Mrs Christine Wallen
Admissions ~ Mrs Nina Nathan, Mrs Kathryn Harriss, Mrs Christine Wallen and Mrs Annabelle Delgado
Pay ~ Mrs Nina Nathan, Mr Andrew Packer and Mr Paul Ponzini
Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc Committees were reviewed in September 2023 and governors said they would be happy to be drafted onto a committee which had nop conflict of interest.
Named Governors
Safer Recruitment
- Mr Andrew Packer
- Mrs Nina Nathan
Safeguarding and Looked After Children
- Mr Andrew Packer
Health and Safety
- Mr Paul Ponzini
- Mrs Olwen Shallis
Well-being, Spirituality and Ethos
- Mrs Laura Lewis
Relationship and Sex Education
- Mrs Nina Nathan