Autumn Term

Topic (Taken from Long Term Plan).

Designing Objective

Making Objective

Evaluating Objective

Technical knowledge Objective

Cooking and Nutrition Objective

Hot Chocolate Stirrers – Look at existing packaging for food. Design and make a box to contain the stirrer.

Communicate ideas using different strategies eg discussion, sketch


Use research to inform design.

Select from and use a wide range of tools, equipment, materials and components accurately.

Evaluate own ideas and designs against given criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work

Investigate a range of existing products that address real/ relevant problems, in a range of contexts eg home, leisure, school.

Apply understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce structures.



Christmas bunting decoration – sewing (Use Twinkl Fabric bunting Unit)

Communicate ideas using different strategies eg discussion, sketch


Use research to inform design.

Select from and use a wide range of tools, equipment, materials and components accurately.

Evaluate own ideas and designs against given criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work.


Investigate a range of existing products that address real/ relevant problems, in a range of contexts eg home, leisure, school.





Spring Term

Topic (Taken from Long Term Plan).

Designing Objective

Making Objective

Evaluating Objective

Technical knowledge Objective

Cooking and Nutrition Objective

Roman Aqueduct

Take risks to become innovative and resourceful.


Communicate ideas using different strategies eg discussion, sketch


Use research to inform design

Select from and use a wide range of tools, equipment, materials and components accurately.

Evaluate own ideas and designs against given criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work.


Apply understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce structures.




Roman Catapult

Take risks to become innovative and resourceful.


Communicate ideas using different strategies eg discussion, sketch


Use research to inform design

Select from and use a wide range of tools, equipment, materials and components accurately.

Evaluate own ideas and designs against given criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work.


Apply understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce structures.


Identify a range of mechanical systems and how they work (gears, pulleys, cams, levers and linkages)


Roman Food – Twinkl Edible Garden. Grow herbs and make a pesto sauce for pasta. Evaluate existing pesto sauces.

Use research to inform design


Evaluate own ideas and designs against given criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work


Investigate a range of existing products that address real/ relevant problems, in a range of contexts eg home, leisure, school.


Apply principles of a healthy varied diet when preparing a variety of savoury food.


Apply understanding of seasonality and its link to ingredients.



Summer Term

Topic (Taken from Long Term Plan).

Designing Objective

Making Objective

Evaluating Objective

Technical knowledge Objective

Cooking and Nutrition Objective

Canopic Jars

Building Pyramids 

Fabric Headdress

Communicate ideas using different strategies eg discussion, sketch


Use research to inform design.

Select from and use a wide range of tools, equipment, materials and components accurately.

Evaluate own ideas and designs against given criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work

Apply understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce structures.