Spring 1
| Spring 1 |
| Winter Wonderland |
Possible Texts | Elmer in the Snow, Lost and Found, The Emperor’s Egg, Jolly Snow, The Storm Whale in Winter, Snowball |
PSED | Independence e.g putting on coat, hats, gloves, scarves Dangers of ice and snow Families/ Relationships RSHE Unit 2: Me, My Body, My Health. Modules: I am Me, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and Ready Teddy?
Communication and Language | Use of how and why questions. Retell a story with story language – using puppets/props Encourage and model describing events in some detail during news. Listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding. Learn rhymes, poems and songs. |
Physical Development | Climbing using the outdoor equipment Dance-body parts & how they move, repeated actions, directions & levels, simple dance patterns, control & co-ordination Threading, cutting, weaving, playdough, Manipulate objects with good fine motor skills Hold pencil effectively with comfortable grip. Form recognisable letters most correctly formed. Using a mouse on the computer |
Literacy | Whole class and group storytimes Writing lists Poster Labelling Writing a fact sheet (non-fiction) Little Wandle Practice reading sessions to develop decoding, prosody and comprehension Phonic sounds:-ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, er, words with double letters-dd, mm, tt, bb, rr, gg, pp, ff, longer words Tricky words:-was, you, they, my, by, all, are, sure, pure
Maths | Introducing Zero Comparing numbers to 5 Composition of numbers to 5 Comparing mass Comparing capacity Composition of 6,7 and 8 Making pairs Combining two amounts |
Understanding the World | Floating and sinking The seasons Weather Investigating ice Using maps to locate countries |
Expressive Art and Design | Observational drawings Printing using a range of sponges, rollers, cotton buds etc Watercolour paint winter pictures Using percussion instruments to create accompaniments Dance-Links to physical development Role-play- Birthday parties, winter wonderland, igloo |