How are parents/carers informed about their child’s progress?
- During the Autumn and Spring term, parents are invited into school to see their child’s work and to make an appointment to meet with the teacher to discuss their child’s progress. A full written report is sent home in the Summer term and parents are invited to make an appointment with the teacher if required. Parents are invited to see their child’s work during our Celebration Day at the end of the year.
- All ISP’s are reviewed at least termly, in consultation with parents, carers and children where appropriate, and new targets are set ready for the next term.
- All ISP’s are shared with parents and copies are sent home. The targets are usually able to be worked on at home too, to encourage a partnership between home and school and consistency in the support being offered to the child.
- Parents are encouraged to raise concerns by email to the class teacher in the first instance.
- Parents can make an appointment at any time to speak to the class teacher or SENCO by emailing the office.