Year 3 Relationships and Health Education 

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We don’t have to be the same Children will learn:

  • Similarities and differences between people arise as they grow and make choices, and that by living and working together (‘teamwork’) we create community

Respecting our bodies Children will learn:

  • About the need to respect and look after their bodies as a gift from God through what they wear, what they eat and what they physically do

What am I feeling?

Children will learn:

  • That emotions change as they grow up (including hormonal effects)
  • To deepen their understanding of the range and intensity of their

feelings; that ‘feelings’ are not good guides for action

  • What emotional well-being means
  • That positive actions help emotional well-being (beauty, art, etc. lift the spirit)
  • That talking to trusted people helps emotional well- being (e.g. parents/carer/teacher/parish priest etc.)

What am I looking at?

Children will learn:

  • To recognise that images in the media do not always reflect reality and can affect how people feel about themselves.

I am thankful

Children will learn:

  • Some behaviour is wrong, unacceptable, unhealthy and risky
  • Thankfulness builds resilience against feelings of envy, inadequacy and insecurity, and against pressure from peers and the media