Cultural Capital

Cultural capital is the essential knowledge, skills and behaviours that children need to prepare them for their future success. It is about giving children the best possible start to their early education with a wide range of enriching experiences. These experiences reflect the child’s environment and develop their many skills such as resilience and confidence, as well as promoting their social interactions, their relationships and culture.


Examples of some of the experiences are:

  • Learn and recite a poem from a different culture to an audience 
  • Visit London
  • Star gaze 
  • Make a large scale model 
  • Learn how to thread a needle and sew a button on
  • Keep a diary for a week 
  • Learn and reserch key figures from history during Black History Month
  • Sing live as part of Young Voices with thousands of other school children.  
  • Take part in a moral/social debate
  • Take part in a Victorian theme day 
  • Make a mask from a different culture
  • Visit an Eco-centre 
  • Take part in a park clean up 
  • Plan a tour of your local area 
  • Learn to play the Ukulele
  • Learn Sign language
  • Plan a weekend trip to any other European capital costs included and make an pamphlet 
  • Watch a live musical performance locally
  • Find a scientific world record to share with your class
  • Practise riding a bike and learn about bike maintenance