Cultural Capital

Cultural capital is the essential knowledge, skills and behaviours that children need to prepare them for their future success. It is about giving children the best possible start to their early education with a wide range of enriching experiences. These experiences reflect the child’s environment and develop their many skills such as resilience and confidence, as well as promoting their social interactions, their relationships and culture.


Examples of some of the experiences are:

  • Visit a local park 
  • Explore blowing bubbles
  • Get wet in the rain/jump in puddles
  • Have class caterpillars/butterflies
  • Paint a self-portrait
  • Plant some seeds and watch them grow
  • Go on an Autumn walk
  • Visit St George’s church
  • Meet a fireman and policeman
  • Sit in a fire engine and police car
  • Visit a local library
  • Build a den
  • Visit a farm or animal encounter
  • Have a Teddy Bear’s Picnic
  • Learn to ride a bike or scooter (including balance bike)
  • Try Chinese food as part of Chinese New Year
  • Make a handprint and footprint in paint
  • Dress up in a costume as part of a play
  • Create artwork using vegetable printing
  • Draw flowers you can see around the school on a summer’s day