Autumn 1
| All about Me |
Possible Texts | Peepo!, The Colour Monster, Funny Bones |
PSED | Starting school/getting to know my new class Being me in my world My family Being kind and making friends Talking about feelings Healthy foods and oral hygeine |
Communication and Language | Making friends Children talking about experiences that are familiar to them. Rhyming and alliteration Sharing stories and responding to stories Talk routines e.g.“Good morning,” for register Role-play-home corner, doctor’s surgery |
Physical Development | Climbing using the outdoor equipment Different ways of moving & spatial awareness Individuals to develop good personal hygiene. Threading, cutting, weaving, playdough, Manipulate objects with good fine motor skills .Draw lines and circles using gross motor movements Hold pencil/brush beyond whole hand grasp . Using a mouse on the computer |
Literacy | Whole class and group storytimes Practice reading sessions to develop decoding, prosidy and comprehension Mark making skills Starting to write initial sounds in writing activites e.g first sounds in body parts labelling
Phonic sounds:-s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d, g,o,c,k,ck,e,u,r, h,b,f,l Tricky words:-is, I the |
Maths | Matching Sorting Comparing size(amount, height, length) Repeating patterns Representing numbers 1,2 & 3 Comparing 1, 2 & 3 |
Understanding the World | Talking about their family. Can talk about what they do with their family and places they have been . Can draw similarities and make comparisons between other families. Name and describe people who are familiar to them. Talk about members of their immediate family and community. Learning about the body and senses. Going on a senses walk. |
Expressive Art and Design | Join in with familiar songs. Beginning to mix primary colours to make secondary colours. Role play using resources available for props Build models using construction equipment. Self-portraits using paint Exploring sounds (body percussion and instruments) and how they can be changed, tapping out of simple rhythms. Provide opportunities to work together to develop and realise creative ideas. Use materials to make skeletons Make models of faces using playdoh