Year 1 Relationships and Health Education

You can access the parent portal for further information on each session by clicking on the title of the session.

To sign on           Username: st-george-ss3              Password: red-3

Me, My Body, My Health

Session 1: I am unique

Children will learn:


  • That we are all unique, with individual gifts, talents and skills.

The Communities we live in

Session 2: Who is my Neighbour?

Children will learn:


  • That they belong to various communities such as home, school, parish, the wider local community, nation and global community
  • That they should help at home with practical tasks such as keeping their room tidy, helping in the kitchen etc
  • That we have a duty of care for others and for the world we live in (charity work, recycling etc.)
  • About what harms and what improves the world in which we live

Emotional Well being

Session 3: Feelings, likes and dislikes Children will learn:


  • That it is natural for us to relate to and trust one another
  • That we all have different ‘tastes’ (likes and dislikes), but also similar needs (to be loved and respected, to be safe etc)

Session 4: Feeling inside out

Children will learn:


  • Children will have a basic understanding that feelings and actions are two different things and that our good actions can ‘form’ our feelings and our character.

Session 3: Super Susie Gets Angry

Children will learn:


  • Simple strategies for managing feelings and for good behaviour
  • That choices have consequences: that when we make mistakes we are called to receive forgiveness and to forgive others when they do
  • Jesus died on the cross so that we would be forgiven

Keeping safe

Session 1; Real Life Online
Children will learn:


  • To understand safe and unsafe situations, including online.


Session 7: Good Secrets and Bad Secrets Children will learn


  • The difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ secrets and that they can and should be open with ‘special people’ they trust if anything troubles them
  • How to resist pressure when feeling unsafe