Autumn 2


Into the Woods

Possible Texts

The Gruffalo, Leaf Man, The Jolly Christmas Postman


Turn taking playing games

How we share

Feelings when when celebrate(Bonfire night/Christmas)

Independence e.g putting on coat

Being brave

Communication and Language

Develop vocabulary and use throughout the day

Retelling stories & story language 

Listening/ responding to stories

Following instructions

Take part in discussions

Understand how to listen carefully/ why listening is important

Taking part in class Nativity

Physical Development

Balancing, jumping, landing, changing direction, running, stopping and hopping

Threading, cutting, weaving, playdough,

Develop muscle tone to put pencil pressure on paper

Use tools to effect changes to materials

Correct letter formation.


Retelling stories related to events through acting/role play. Christmas letters/lists.

Labelling using initial sounds

Retelling stories and using Story Maps.

Editing of story maps


Sequence story – use vocabulary of beginning, middle and end.

Blend sounds into words, so that they can read short words made up of known letter– sound correspondences.

Enjoys an increasing range of books

Little Wandle practice reading groups

Phonic sounds:-ff,ll,ss,j,v,w,x,y,z,zz, qu,ch,sh,th,ng,nk

Tricky words:-put,pull,full,as,and, has, his, her, go, no, to, into, she, push, he, of, we, me, be


Represent 1,2,3

1 more

1 less

Composition of 1,2,3

Circles and Triangles

Shapes in the environment

Numbers 4 and 5 

Day and night

Understanding the World

Looking for signs of autumn on an autumn walk around school grounds

How Christmas is celebrated now & in the past.

Use the Jolly Postman to draw information from a map and begin to understand why maps are important

Create own map

Bonfire night

Light & dark


Expressive Art and Design

Leaf rubbings

Listen to music and make their own dances in response.

Clay/playdoh gruffalo faces

Firework pictures, Christmas decorations, Christmas cards, Christmas songs/poems

The use of story maps, props, puppets & story bags for retelling, inventing and adapting stories.

Role Play Parties and Celebrations

Post office role-play