28.3.24 - Happy Easter x
After the Easter holiday, the children will be revising for their up and coming end of Key Stage 2 SATs examinations, which will take place from Monday 13th – Thursday 16th May. In preparation for the SATs, I have given each child a pack of revision resources to bring home, that they can work through. This will replace the weekly homework that is set every Friday. I hope your child finds these resources of use. The resources can be found below - there, you can also find the answers to further support their revision.
In addition, the children will have an opportunity to make a design for the leaver’s hoodies. The winning design, which will be based on a class vote, will be printed on the back of all of the hoodies. If your child would like to take part, can they complete their design over the Easter holiday, ready to be judged after the Easter holiday, on Tuesday 16th April.
Criteria for hoodie designs:
- The design must be within the black box (a template will be given to the children)
- The design must be coloured in, using pen only (colouring pencils are too light)
- The design must be clear - if any writing is including, make sure it can be read and every word is spelled correctly.
- Keep it simple
Possible design ideas - house colours, St. George's cross, memories over the years at St. George's, house names etc...
SATs revision resources
Please look at this week's spelling rule and practice the spelling examples at home. Continue to read at home independently, as well as reading to an adult. Complete the mymaths task based on place value. For your written task, research a piece of art by Henry Moore. Find a picture of the piece (or sketch it!) and write about the following:
- What medium is used (i.e. pencil, paint, clay, chalk etc...)?
- What is the name of the piece?
- When was it made?
- One or two facts about the piece
Your research will be used in our art lessons.
Please continue to read daily and review this week's spelling rule. A MyMaths task has also been set, which is based on rounding numbers. If you have any difficulties completing the work, please let me know and we can work through these questions together.
For your writing task, please research an animal of your choice (choose something unusual!). Your reports will be used in our science lesson.
In your report please include the following:
- Identify the characteristics of your animal i.e. has fur, scales, lays eggs in water etc...
- Identify the animal group they belong to i.e. mammal, reptile, bird etc...
- Describe their habitat
- Include any interesting facts you have about your chosen animal
Please continue to read daily and review this week's spelling rule. A 'garage' task has been set on TTRS (times table rock stars). Your logins can be found in your red reading book. Please practice your times tables to support your learning of the formal methods for multiplication and division that we are currently doing in maths.
For your writing task, please research a game that children played in the early 1900's. Choose a game that you would enjoy playing yourself! Describe the game and explain the rules. Include a picture of the game if you can. We will share your research in our topic lesson.
Please continue to read daily and review this week's spelling rule. For maths this week, you will be given a worksheet to complete, based on our most recent maths topic. For your writing task, you will continue learning about microorganisms. You will do this by researching about Alex Fleming, a microbiologist who discovered penicillin (an antibiotic). You can display your research as a poster or fact file. This can be completed on paper or on the computer.
*Can you please bring in an empty cardboard cereal box, for our up and coming D&T project*
Please continue to read daily and review this week's spelling rule. For maths this week, you will complete a mymaths activity online to do with fractions. There is no written task for this week, as I would like the children to start practicing their words and song lyrics for our up and coming Remembrance day assembly. This will be taking place on Thursday 9th November.
'Off to the front' song
'Can you, can you remember?' song
'If war should come' (dance routine)
*Can you please bring in an empty cardboard cereal box, for our up and coming D&T project* Due in after half term please.
Well done for an amazing first half term in Year 6! Well done also for completing your first set of SATs papers - great job!
Due to SATs practice this week, we have not moved on with our maths lessons this week, therefore there will not be a mymaths task. Instead, please log onto TTRS and practice your times tables.
Please continue to read daily over the half term and review the spelling rules from this half term. There is no written task over the half term, as I would like the children to continue practicing their words and song lyrics for our up and coming Remembrance day assembly. This will be taking place on Thursday 9th November.
'Off to the front' song
'Can you, can you remember?' song
'If war should come' (dance routine)
*Can you please bring in an empty cardboard cereal box, for our up and coming D&T project* Due in after half term please.
And finally... have a wonderful half term!
Mrs Bracknell and the Year 6 team x
Please continue to read daily and review the spelling rule for this week. There is no written task this week, as I would like the children to continue practicing their words and song lyrics for our up and coming Remembrance day assembly. This will be taking place on Thursday 9th November.
The words can be found in the attached document below, along with the links to the songs.
For maths, please complete the fraction tasks on mymaths. Some of you may find some of the questions challenging. Do the best you can and we will go through the answers next week.
Can you please bring in an empty cardboard cereal box, for our up and coming D&T project ready for next week.
Thank you for leading the school in our Remembrance service this week. It was so moving and a pleasure to take part in - well done! x
Please continue to read at home and review this week's spellings.
For maths, I have set two maths tasks to do with fractions. Please complete one or both of the tasks depending on your level of understanding. One extension task has been set for those who would like to further work beyond fractions and begin to work with decimals.
Maths tasks:
Level 1 - Starting to compare fractions (all do this task)
Level 2 - Compare mix and improper fractions (optional, depending on understanding)
Extension task - Equivalent fractions 2 (for those who would like an extra challenge!)
For your writing task, please research WW2 Anderson shelters. Find out what they were used for and how they were built. We will use your research for our next D&T lesson.
Please continue to read at home and review this week's spellings.
For maths, I have set two maths tasks to do with fractions on mymaths. Please complete one or both of the tasks depending on your level of understanding. The extension task has been set on paper. If you would like to attempt the maths extension, come and collect the worksheet.
In science we have been learning about the heart. For your writing task, please research one organ in the body i.e. liver, lungs, kidney, brain etc... What does your organ do? Is it part of a body system like the heart is part of the circulatory system? Present your information as a fact file. This can be done on paper or on the computer.
Please continue to read at home and review this week's spellings.
For maths, please complete the worksheet on finding fractions of amounts. There is also an extension task available. If you would like to attempt the maths extension, come and collect the worksheet.
This week, we have been learning about rationing in WW2. Please research a recipe that was used during WW2. It can be a savoury or sweet dish. If you would like to make the dish at home, please take photos, ready to share with the class.
Please continue to read daily and review this week's spellings.
For maths, complete the mymaths tasks on measurement. Everyone needs to complete the 'metric conversion' task. There is a 'conversion graph' activity to also attempt which is a little more challenging. If you would like the extension task, come and collect the worksheet from me. This task is also based on measurement, which we have focused on this week.
For your writing task, please research ideas for homemade games that could possibly be made for our Christmas games day. I look forward to hearing about your ideas!
Please continue to read daily and review this week's spellings.
As we are starting a new topic in maths, I would like you to practice times tables on TTRS. There is also an extension task about measurement available. Please see me for the worksheet.
For your writing task, please write a Christmas prayer which will be displayed in our R.E corner.
Please continue to read daily and review this week's spellings.
For Maths, please complete the ratio tasks set on my maths. Begin with the 'Modelling ratio' task, followed by the, 'Ration introduction' task. There is also an extension sheet available - please collect a sheet if you would like to attempt this.
For your writing task, research what Christmas was like during WW2. How did they celebrate? What food was on offer/rationed during that time? Can you find any interesting facts about a WW2 Christmas?
Happy new year! I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas with your families.
For this week's homework, please continue reading daily.
For maths, please complete the worksheet on scale factor. There is an extension available (please collect, if you would like to attempt this).
In the lead up to the SATs, the homework writing task will be replaced with SPaG and comprehension tasks. It is important that all children attempt these tasks, to consolidate the learning we do in school.
For this week's homework, please continue reading daily.
For maths, please complete the 'Ratio dividing 1' task on Mymaths. There is also an additional ratio dividing task (2) to attempt - this one is more challenging. There is an extension available (please collect, if you would like to attempt this).
In the lead up to the SATs, the homework writing task will be replaced with SPaG and comprehension tasks. It is important that all children attempt these tasks, to consolidate the learning we do in school. This week, the SPaG task is all about using the passive voice.
Please continue to read daily. For maths, please complete the MyMaths task called 'function machines'. There is also a task called 'Substitution 1', which is an extra challenge, based on the work we have done this week. If you would like to attempt the extension task, please collect a maths sheet from me.
For English, please complete the work sheet on the use of semi-colons. This follows on from the work we have done in class today.
Please continue to read daily. For maths, please complete the MyMaths task called 'sequences'. There is also a task called 'Equations 1', which is an extra challenge, based on the work we have done this week. If you would like to attempt the extension task, please attempt the MyMaths task, 'Equation 2'.
For English, please complete the comprehension work sheet.
Please continue to read daily. For maths, please complete the MyMaths tasks on decimals, based on the work we have done this week. If you would like to attempt the extension task, please see me for a copy of the extension.
For English, please complete the work sheet on synonyms and antonyms.
Please continue to read daily. For maths, please complete the worksheets - English comprehension and a maths task on percentages, decimals and fractions. Please choose one of the maths tasks to do (the back page is the most challenging work sheet).
Have a great weekend!
It was lovely to discuss your progress this week with your parents - keep up the fantastic work!
Please continue to read daily.
For homework, please complete the worksheets - English comprehension and maths reasoning.
Please continue to read daily. For maths, please complete the worksheet which has a number of different reasoning questions. There is also a maths extension for those who would like an extra challenge. For English, please complete the comprehension worksheet.
Well done for making the Science fair a fantastic experience for all our visitors - you were wonderful!
For homework this week, please complete the mymaths activities on shape.
Have a lovely weekend!