How is support organised for children with identified SEN?
At St George’s we believe that, with the correct support, all children are able to progress. We try to ensure that all barriers to equal access in our schools are removed or overcome through quality first teaching. Class teachers are responsible for planning work and provision for each child, working closely with support staff to deliver high quality first teaching daily to children and, in most cases, children with SEND work within the classroom alongside and with children who do not have SEN. The SENCO, and specialists from external agencies when appropriate, provide support with further assessment and/or advice on effective support to ensure we meet all the children’s needs
This may involve:
- Use of appropriate resources.
- Interventions for speech & language, social groups, motor skills as well as additional sessions for English & Maths.
- Additional adult support within the classroom, to reinforce comprehension of learning tasks and aid curriculum access, but also encourage independence.
- Where necessary, some 1:1 adult support
- Individual based provision tailored to a child’s specific need.
- In cases where the child is unable to access the curriculum within the classroom, then a bespoke programme of study is designed and if required additional arrangements are made for assessments and examinations.
- Homework set is appropriate to the child’s ability and need and designed to help the parents in their support of their child.
- If the child’s needs require it, then a home/school book is implemented or an adult may hand information to the parent at the end of the day