Autumn Term

Topic (Taken from Long Term Plan).

Designing Objective

Making Objective

Evaluating Objective

Technical knowledge Objective

Cooking and Nutrition Objective

Frame structures


(taught through our WW2 topic)


Design, make and evaluate an Anderson shelter for protecting civilians from attacks against enemies in the air.


Confidently take calculated risks to become innovative, resourceful and enterprising.


Communicate, generate and develop ideas, drawing on their disciplines e.g. science, maths, computing.


Use research to inform design and generate own design criteria.


According to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities, select from and use a wide range of tools, equipment, materials and components accurately to make high quality prototypes.

Generate own design criteria and evaluate ideas and products against these.

Explain and understand how key events and individuals in D&T helped to shape the world.





Spring Term

Topic (Taken from Long Term Plan).

Designing Objective

Making Objective

Evaluating Objective

Technical knowledge Objective

Cooking and Nutrition Objective

Electrical systems


(taught through our electricity topic in science)


Cross curricular opportunity with science – making an alarm system




Making connections to real and relevant problems, apply understanding of electrical systems (series circuits, switches, bulbs, and motors).


Construct more complex structures by applying a range of strategies in order to solve real/ relevant problems.



Summer Term

Topic (Taken from Long Term Plan).

Designing Objective

Making Objective

Evaluating Objective

Technical knowledge Objective

Cooking and Nutrition Objective

Food technology


Afternoon tea preparation





Prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques.

Know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed and its impact on meal design.


Develop crucial life skill of feeding themselves and others affordably and well.

Mechanical systems


(Fairground ride project)

Confidently take calculated risks to become innovative, resourceful and enterprising.


Communicate, generate and develop ideas, drawing on their disciplines e.g. science, maths, computing.


Use research to inform design and generate own design criteria.


According to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities, select from and use a wide range of tools, equipment, materials and components accurately to make high quality prototypes.

Generate own design criteria and evaluate ideas and products against these.


Explain and understand how key events and individuals in D&T helped to shape the world.

Making connections to real and relevant problems, apply understanding of wider range of mechanical systems (gears, pulleys, cams, levers, linkages).