Needs | Support |
Communication and Interaction | Autistic Spectrum Disorders | - Access to specialist teaching advice from The St Christopher School
- Social stories
- Visual supports
- Sensory support
- Educational Psychology Service
Speech, Language and Communication Needs | - Access to Speech and Language specialist
- Individualised speech and language programmes from Speech and Language Therapy Service
Cognition and Learning | Moderate Learning Needs | - Interventions – small group and individual
- Educational Psychology Service
Specific Learning Needs | - Assessment to devise a bespoke programme of study
- Education Psychology Service
- Specialised programmes that develop co-ordination; gross and fine motor skills
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties | Social Needs | - Social Skills groups
- External 1:1 or small group sessions
- Pastoral Care Team
- Buddy system on playground
Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties | - Access to school counsellor
- Educational Psychology Service
- Access to EWMHS
- Rainbows support group
- Self esteem program (external)
Sensory and/or Physical Needs | Hearing Impairment | - Access to hearing impairment
Specialist - Educational Psychology Service
Visual Impairment | - VI specialist via Kingsdown Special School
- Touch typing lessons
- Physical environment audit
Multi-Sensory Impairment | - Risk assessment and individualised support
Medical Needs | - Specialist support
- Access to specialist nurses
- Access to school nurse
- Care plan
- Medical room
- Secure storage for medication
- Health Care Plans